
Monkarj - Food Elevators

Monkarj - Food Elevators

A freight elevator is a type of freight elevator that is usually used for food or freight transport. They are especially used in places with intensive food service such as restaurants, hotels, hospitals, schools, offices and other commercial buildings.

Mounting elevators are designed for the transport of plates, trays and food carts used for food service. These elevators are often used to quickly and efficiently transport food and beverages from the kitchens of buildings to different floors. In this way, it is ensured that shakes are prevented during the transportation of food and beverages and that the food can be served without spoiling.

Load elevators work similarly to freight elevators. The food cart or tray placed inside the elevator is placed on a special platform of the elevator and when the elevator button is pressed, the platform moves up or down to carry the food. These elevators are generally small in size and quiet, and are designed to fit easily into the interior architecture of buildings.

Monklift elevators are ideal for the fast and safe transportation of food and beverage, helping restaurants and hotels achieve higher customer satisfaction by speeding up food service operations.